Focuses on Midlife Crisis, Sense of Purpose, Seeking More Joy & Anxiety Disorders
How I Can Help
Certified Mental Health IntegrativeMedicine Provider (CMHIMP)

*Carolyn isn’t currently accepting new clients, however we would be happy to match you to one of our many talented therapists who would be a good fit for your particular needs.
First Things First
Elevate Counseling is committed to helping you build a future that reflects your deepest aspirations. With our team of dedicated therapists, we hope to shape the narrative of your life for it take on its truest form – one full of fulfillment and joy. It’s our mission and privilege to support you along this path where, ultimately, anything can be achievable if we work together.
What To Expect From Our Work Together
Let’s dive in together to make some long-awaited changes. Our role is to facilitate you in your process of growth – we won’t let up on challenging and pushing for new possibilities, as difficult or uncomfortable it may be, because you want change now – not six months from now.
Together we will put in the effort, push through the tough parts, take breathers when we need to and rejoice in the breakthroughs. Because on the other side of the hard work you do with us is the life you want and deserve.
What You Need to Know About Me
I started Elevate Counseling to deliver an exceptional clinical experience to everyone who trusts us with the often difficult process of therapy. I know firsthand how transformative good therapy can be, and you have my commitment that we will be your biggest fans and loudest cheerleaders as you begin the work of transforming your life.
Here’s a little of my personal story. My formative years were spent living in Austin where I developed a love of Tex-Mex food, live music and the perfectly placed swear word. Before pursuing my Masters in Counseling I worked in Austin’s high tech start up scene where I learned a great deal about people, purpose and how the world works. I was lucky enough to have met and married the love of my life, and together we had one child, adopted another, and later moved to the Chicago area. I love it here but miss wearing flip flops in December.
I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor; I have a BS in Psychology and received my Masters in Counseling from Northwestern University. I am also a Nationally Certified Counselor and member of the American Counseling Association. As a lifelong learner I have received additional training and certifications in the neurobiology and treatment of anxiety, integrative mental health, and ethics and cultural competence in supervision.